
Welcome to New Each Morning’s blog!
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Testimonies Kayla Haliski Testimonies Kayla Haliski

Kristin’s Story

Kristin is the "why" for New Each Morning. It is our hope for each woman to experience the same journey and come out the other side thriving and fully supported in the process.

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Events Kayla Haliski Events Kayla Haliski

Communi-tea Fundraiser

On May 18th, 2023, at the Hanai Center in Bend, Oregon, New Each Morning hosted a VIP "Communi-Tea" gathering and fundraiser, to invite attendees into supporting the critical mission of being a bridge to women in our community who have recently graduated from local addiction recovery treatment programs to local resources.

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Testimonies Kayla Haliski Testimonies Kayla Haliski

Amber’s Story

Graduating from a recovery program and newly sober, Amber realizes how much she needed a support system to walk out her new freedom after trying so many times before.

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Testimonies Kayla Haliski Testimonies Kayla Haliski

Misti’s Story

Hear Misti share her story of graduating from a recovery program to seeking the support she needed newly sober with New Each Morning to build a new life.

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General Blog Cathie Coe sipe General Blog Cathie Coe sipe

Storm Proof-Foundation

As I sat down to write, I soon became aware of the sound of a saw cutting boards nearby. The neighbor was working hard as he rebuilt his deck from the ground up. It made me smile and I could just see the Father winking at me assuring me of the word “foundation” being the right place to begin this journey. Music to my ears you might say.

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General Blog Cathie Coe sipe General Blog Cathie Coe sipe

The Pause

Grateful for shelter under the covered porch of a little cabin in the heart of Kentucky I began to appreciate the pause in time. Earlier this morning the heavens opened up and poured out over the land causing life to take...a pause.

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General Blog Cathie Coe sipe General Blog Cathie Coe sipe

Truth. Everyone Has a Story...

I saw a big overhead banner a few years ago in a local fast food restaurant reading “Everyone has a Story”. It immediately reached down deep into the very core of my being. It is such a powerful statement of truth no one can deny. It changed the lens of life for me from that moment forward.

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